Russia seeks stronger partnership with South Africa

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa in Johannesburg, discussing bilateral cooperation and briefing on recent Russia-US diplomatic dialogue in Riyadh, according to Russia’s Foreign Ministry.

The high-level meeting centred on strengthening relations across multiple sectors, including trade, economics, investment, and scientific cooperation, building upon existing presidential agreements between the two nations. Notably, Lavrov briefed Ramaphosa on Russian-American discussions held on 18 February in Saudi Arabia.

The diplomats emphasised potential collaboration in peaceful space exploration and affirmed their commitment to maintaining coordination within international fora, including the UN, G20, and BRICS. The situation in Ukraine was also addressed during their discussions.

The meeting underscores South Africa’s significant diplomatic position as both a BRICS member and a key African partner for Russia, coming amid Moscow’s broader engagement with the Global South.

This diplomatic engagement follows South Africa’s increasing prominence in international affairs, particularly through its BRICS membership and its stance on major global issues. The meeting reflects Russia’s ongoing efforts to strengthen ties with African nations.

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