NOC denies crude oil smuggling claims

Libya’s National Oil Corporation

Libya’s National Oil Corporation (NOC) has strongly disputed reports published by Africa Intelligence that claimed prominent Libyan figures were engaged in oil smuggling and money laundering operations.

The allegations, purportedly based on leaks from the United Nations Security Council Sanctions Committee, were categorically rejected by the NOC in an official statement released Sunday.

“These reports were not issued by the UN Sanctions Committee and contain information that lacks both accuracy and credibility,” the NOC stated. Officials expressed concern that such claims were circulated without proper verification from official sources.

The corporation emphasised its active collaboration with domestic and international authorities to combat oil smuggling, noting that all petroleum sales and exports follow established legal protocols under strict Libyan and international oversight. The NOC clarified that while it supports anti-smuggling initiatives, enforcement responsibilities rest with designated security agencies.

Media outlets were urged to verify information through official channels before publication to prevent potentially destabilizing reports that could undermine Libya’s vital oil sector.

“The NOC remains committed to transparency and open communication,” the statement concluded, reaffirming the corporation’s willingness to work with all stakeholders to ensure proper management of Libya’s petroleum resources and prevent illegal exploitation.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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