NCDC: No dangerous side effects of the Coronavirus vaccine have been recorded in Libya

As the vaccination process in Libya commences, the NCDC reports that after nearly ten thousand vaccinations, no serious side effects of the vaccines have been detected

The number of registered individuals in the electronic system continues to climb as the vaccination process rolls out across the country. [Photo: NCDC]
Dr Badr Al-Din Al-Najjar, Director-General of the National Center for Disease Control (NCDC)announced that no significant side effects have been reported as a result of the vaccinations provided to over 8,000 people so far.

In a joint press conference with the Centre’s Director of the Department of Vaccinations, Abdel Basset Samio, Al-Najjar explained that storing the English AstraZeneca vaccine, which requires a storage temperature of 2 to 8 degrees, is not a problem, but that storing the Russian Sputnik vaccine, which requires a temperature of 18 degrees, necessitates the use of special refrigerators, which are not accessible to all the vaccinations centres across the country.

He indicated that in the last two days, the number of people registered in the vaccination electronic registration system had risen to half a million, emphasizing that the vaccinations used offered enough immunity to prevent people from needing high-level treatment and to reduce symptoms.

Vaccinations taking place outside of the authorized electronic framework, are targeted only on an exceptional basis, at refugees, medical personnel of isolation centres, and some cases where they cannot travel to vaccination centres, according to the Libyan news agency Al-Najjar.

Libya launched a nationwide vaccination campaign against Covid-19 this week in many cities, following the arrival of the first batches of vaccines, which included Russia’s Sputnik V and Oxford’s AstraZeneca, two internationally renowned vaccines with efficiency rates of well over 90%.

The country is contracted to receive 12 million vaccine doses by the end of the year for its population of 6.9 million people, as well as any and all foreigners and refugees, with Prime Minister Debaiba promising that everyone in the country, regardless of status, would be vaccinated for everyone’s protection.

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