National Committee for Human Rights: Siege on Derna is a war crime


The Libyan National Committee for Human Rights expressed great concern for the continuing suffering of Derna residents due to the siege laid on the city by the Khalifa Haftar’s Operation Dignity forces.

In a statement on Thursday, the committee confirmed that using starvation and deprivation in Derna for over 6 months is no less than a war crime and a violation of the International Humanitarian Laws, especially the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Geneva Conventions make it clear that using starvation and siege on civilians is a war crime and a crime against humanity.

Sin ce the eradication of IS from the city of Derna by the city’s fighters and Shura Council fighters, Derna has been under a tight siege by Operation Dignity forces.

The city is also suffering from dire need for foods, medicines, and cash as well as cooking gas and fuel.

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