Military equipment seized near Egyptian border

Imsaad is a border checkpoint in Butnan District, Libya

Authorities in Imsaad, a town close to the Egyptian border, have discovered military equipment washed up on the shores of Bardiyah, west of the town.

The items recovered include a radar system and explosive barrels reportedly bearing images of former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The barrels were marked with what appears to be a threatening message: “Tell your leaders they will lose if relations with Russia continue.”

According to local activists in Tobruk, the military equipment is suspected to have been transported from Syria to Libya’s eastern coastline.

In response to the discovery, authorities have issued safety warnings to fishermen about the potential presence of additional explosive barrels along the Butnan coast.

The Maritime Rescue Unit in Tolmeitha has also released a statement urging both fishermen and local residents to exercise caution, avoid any suspicious objects, and promptly report findings to the nearest police station, security branch, or criminal investigation unit.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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