Libya appoints new spy chief

The Libyan Presidency Council

The Libyan Presidency Council announced Thursday the appointment of Hussein Muhammad Khalifa Al-A’ib as the country’s new intelligence chief.

The council said that Al-Aib effectively assumed his duties on May 5, the official date the decree was issued.

Al-Aib succeeds Imad Trabulusi who was appointed last year by the chairman of the Presidency Council of the former Government of National Accord (GNA), Fayez al-Sarraj.

The intelligence chief is one of the positions appointed by the head of the Presidency Council.

The decision comes within the framework of a series of new appointments made by the head of the Presidency Council Mohammad Menfi, since he assumed duties on March 16.

The new spy chief has worked for years in the intelligence service and hails from Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi in western Libya.

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