Joint task force launches warrant sweep in Tripoli

Security Chiefs Map Out Strategy to Boost Judicial Enforcement

Tripoli’s top security officials met yesterday to strengthen cooperation in executing judicial orders and pursuing wanted individuals, marking a significant step toward enhanced law enforcement coordination in the capital.

The Director of Affairs at the Stability Support Apparatus (SSA) hosted discussions with the Head of Operations and Judicial Security from the Judicial Police Agency’s Tripoli Branch at SSA headquarters.

The meeting centred on developing more robust strategies for enforcing pending court decisions and improving the process of apprehending individuals with outstanding arrest warrants.

“This collaboration is essential for achieving our shared goal of maintaining public safety and upholding the rule of law,” a senior official stated during the talks.

The meeting explored new approaches to security integration and the development of more efficient joint operational procedures between the agencies.

The gathering is the latest in an ongoing series of inter-agency meetings, reflecting a broader initiative to forge stronger partnerships among Libya’s security institutions.

Officials emphasised that knowledge sharing and unified efforts among security agencies are crucial for serving public interests effectively.

The partnership between the SSA and Judicial Police Agency represents a concerted effort to create a more secure and stable environment for Tripoli’s residents, with both agencies committing to continued collaboration in law enforcement operations.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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