Italian fuel tanker arrives in Khaleej Station’s floating dock to help generate more power


An Italian fuel vessel has arrived in the Khaleej steam plant’s floating dock in Al-Gabiba district, Sirte bringing on board a second fuel shipment.

The head of the media office of the Sirte Municipality said the vessel is loaded with about 37 thousand m2, which will be used to activate the power generators in the first unit at the Khaleej steam power plant.

“After the process is done the unit is supposed to produce 1400 megawatts and then it will help reduce the outage and deficiency that the general electricity network has been suffering from for long.” The head of the media office indicated.

He added that pumping the light fuel from the tanker to the unit’s generators will be done directly via a sea system that is existent in the power plant in 24 hours.

It is worth mentioning that the first fuel shipment was 40 thousand m2 of fuel and it arrived last Tuesday.

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