GECOL: Theft of electrical wires continues to increase across the country

The state run electricity company implores the government for tighter security on electrical institutions as another 1,200 meters of copper wires are stolen

Copper wires are often stolen to be resold in the black market for a massive mark up price. [Photo: GECOL]
On Sunday evening,  Libya’s General Electric Company (GECOL) announced the theft of 1,200 meters of copper wires in the Swani area.

In a post on its official Facebook page, the company reported that the phenomenon of theft of electrical wires in a number of areas by unidentified groups continues to increase the suffering of citizens by causing power outages and for only the personal benefit of these unknown assailants that obstruct Libya’s progress in the electrical field.

In the Swani Distribution Service of the Department of Dry Gas Distribution, a 1200-metre high-pressure electrical wire was stolen on the electronic support line, Branch 4, causing power to be cut off from some houses.

Due to the stark lack of law enforcement and legal repercussions, stealing copper wires from a state-owned company to later resell for a profit has become a growing phenomenon in Libya.

The continued theft of electrical wires prevents GECOL from cohesively addressing the pressing issue of power outages in Libya.

The electricity company condemned the continued attacks on public property and emphasised the need for law enforcement and relevant authorities to address this illegal phenomenon that results in massive losses of power for Libyan people across the country.

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