EU calls for immediate release of kidnapped female Parliament member

Member of Libyan House of Representatives Siham Sirgiwa. [Photo: Social Media]
The Embassies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the EU Delegation, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom to Libya have expressed their deep concern regarding the continued disappearance of House of Representatives member Siham Sergiwa, and called for her immediate release.

“We continue to call on relevant Libyan authorities to conduct urgent investigations into her disappearance, and provide an update on her whereabouts.” The statement reads.

The statement indicated that violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws will not go unnoticed, and perpetrators will be held accountable before the law.

“The trend of attacks against politicians, political activists and members of civil society, and in particular women, is unacceptable.” The statement indicated.

It also said that for long- term stability in Libya, the EU countries believe that both women and men must equally and meaningfully participate in the transitional peace process.

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