Arab immigrant in Germany accused of raising funds for ISIS

An Iraqi immigrant has been charged with joining ISIS after reports that he raised thousands of dollars for it

According to German authorities, the defendant made at least $12,000 in various transfers to ISIS cells. [Photo: Getty Images]
German authorities revealed on Friday that an Iraqi immigrant had been charged with joining a terrorist organization after reports that he raised thousands of dollars for ISIS.

According to the Federal Prosecutors, the man, who was only known as “Ayman” due to German privacy laws, was apprehended in early January at the German-Swiss border on his way to enter ISIS and battle in Syria or elsewhere.

In 2016, after a surge of mass immigration from the Middle East, the perpetrator arrived in Germany from Iraq.

“Ayman initially planned to go to the Middle East to engage in ‘armed jihad,’ but members of the terrorist organization requested him to postpone his plans and remain in Germany to collect funds,” the German prosecutor said.

The defendant made at least $12,000 in various transfers to ISIS cells in Syria and Lebanon between June and September 2020.

The funds were allegedly used to help female sympathizers in Syrian refugee camps and to finance the smuggling of women seeking to enter ISIS, according to the prosecutors. They also claimed that the funds sent to Lebanon were intended to assist ISIS fighters in escaping prison and returning to terrorist cells.

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