Al-Barghathi: Possibility is high that Egyptian and UAE warplanes targeted PFG forces in Ras Lanuf

The Defense Minister of the UN-brokered Government of National Accord, Mihdi Al-Barghathi
The Defense Minister of the UN-brokered Government of National Accord, Mihdi Al-Barghathi

The Defense Minister of the UN-brokered Government of National Accord, Mihdi Al-Barghathi, told the press that there is a very high possibility that Egyptian and Emirati warplanes bombed the forces of the Petroleum Facilities Guard to thwart their attack on Dignity Operation forces in Ras Lanuf on Sunday.

“The PFG forces withdrew from Ras Lanuf Sunday afternoon due to the airstrikes from foreign fighter jets.” Al-Barghathi added.

Sources from the PFG also commented saying that after clashing with Khalifa Haftar-led Dignity Operation forces, the PFG forces pulled out of the Ras Lanuf and Essidra oil terminals, which it retook upon surprise attacks, and are now waiting for a clear stance to be adopted by the GNA toward the foreign bombing and intervention in the oil crescent region.

Al-Barghathi was appointed on September 11 by the GNA to lead a counter-attack on Dignity Operation forces and repel them from the oil crescent region.

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