Aisha Gaddafi Exhibits Artwork in Moscow

Aisha Gaddafi Exhibits Artwork in Moscow

An exhibition featuring the artwork of Aisha Gaddafi, daughter of  Muammar Gaddafi, has opened at the State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow.

The exhibition, which runs for six weeks, showcases Aisha’s paintings and provides insights into her experiences and perspectives.

Aisha’s artwork explores various themes, including personal loss and reflections on the 2011 Libyan uprising.

One notable piece depicts a crowd gathered around the bodies of her father and brother, highlighting the intersection of personal tragedy and public attention.

This exhibition marks Aisha’s first public appearance in several years. Following the 2011 events, she sought refuge in Algeria and later settled in Oman. Her artwork offers a glimpse into her life in exile and the impact of the conflict on her family.

The exhibition was organised with support from Russian authorities and reflects the historical relationship between Russia and Libya. Muammar Gaddafi’s legacy in Russia remains complex, with some viewing him as a figure who resisted Western influence.

Aisha’s artwork provides a personal and artistic perspective on the events of 2011 and their aftermath. The exhibition offers a platform for her voice and experiences, contributing to a broader understanding of the Libyan conflict and its impact on individuals and families.

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