North African leaders to hold summit in Libya

The summit is a positive step towards greater cooperation in North Africa

Algeria and Tunisia have confirmed a tripartite summit with Libya will be held in Tripoli in the near future.

The announcement follows a meeting between Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf and his Tunisian counterpart, Mohamed Ali Nafti, in Algiers.

The summit will focus on strengthening regional cooperation and supporting Libya’s transition to stability.

Mr Attaf said the countries were committed to “implementing the decisions and recommendations” made at the previous summit in Tunis in April.

He added that Algeria and Tunisia would continue to “defend the right of our Libyan brothers to end the crisis… without any foreign interference”.

Mr Nafti said Tunisia was looking forward to “a new phase of construction, development and strategic partnership across all areas”.

The summit is expected to address key issues such as security, migration and economic development.

This summit is the latest indication of a thaw in relations between the North African neighbours.

They are hoping that the summit will help to stabilise the country and prevent further spillover of violence.

The summit is also an opportunity for the three countries to discuss economic cooperation.

Libya has significant oil and gas reserves, which could be beneficial to its neighbours.

However, there are also challenges to overcome.

There are also concerns about the role of foreign powers in Libya.

Algeria and Tunisia are both wary of interference from countries such as Turkey and Egypt.

Despite the challenges, the summit is a positive step towards greater cooperation in North Africa.

It is a sign that the region’s leaders are committed to working together to address the challenges they face.

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