Germany approves major arms sale to Turkey

Turkish Trade Minister Omer Bolat (R) and German Deputy Chancellor and Minister of Economy and Climate Protection Robert Habeck (L)

In a move signalling a potential shift in its stance toward Ankara, Germany has approved the sale of weapons to Turkey worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

This marks the first significant arms deal between the two NATO allies in years, following a period of strained relations over Turkey’s domestic and foreign policies.

According to the German news magazine Der Spiegel, the Federal Security Council recently greenlit the export of an array of advanced weaponry to Turkey, including anti-aircraft missiles, torpedoes, and modernization packages for submarines and frigates. Among the items approved are 100 RAM missiles valued at approximately $110 million and 28 SeaHake torpedoes totaling $171 million. The entire deal is estimated to be worth roughly $369 million.

This decision breaks a years-long trend of Berlin sidelining Ankara in arms exports due to concerns over Turkey’s human rights record and its actions in the eastern Mediterranean and Syria. In 2023, German arms sales to Turkey reached a nadir, with only minor projects worth $1.22 million approved.

The recent approval suggests a potential recalibration of German policy toward Turkey. A German official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Der Spiegel that the decision “underlines the balancing act between security cooperation with Turkey and the need to address ethical concerns about the government’s actions.”

The deal is likely to be met with mixed reactions, with some welcoming the renewed cooperation between the two countries while others express concerns about the potential implications for regional stability and human rights.

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