NCDC: We’re waiting for the FDCC to release 2 million Covid-19 vaccines to begin distributing them

Libya's head of Vaccinations states that they're waiting on the Food and Drug Control Center to release the country's largest shipment of vaccines to begin delivering them to citizens

Libya remains one of the few countries that has yet to officially begin delivering the second dose of the vaccine to citzians. [Photo: NCDC]

Abdel Basset Samio, Director of the National Centre for Disease Control’s Department of Vaccinations, stated that they were waiting for the Food and Drug Control Center to release the newly received major consignment of 2 million doses for distribution to vaccination centres.

Samio said in a statement that vaccination clinics had stopped operations in reaction to the complete prohibition, but that they would reopen once the restriction expires on Tuesday.

The NCDC’s Director of Vaccinations revealed that over 740,000 citizens had received their initial doses, confirming the distribution of all vaccines released from the Food and Drug Control Center, the most recent of which was 500,000 doses, as well as approximately 27,000 other Pfizer vaccines intended for medical and medical auxiliaries.

They had received promises from the government that more vaccines, including 1.5 million doses, would be delivered, as well as additional promises as part of a COVAX initiative of 116,000, 43,000 doses of AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and 284,000 Chinese, with the disclaimer that such figures could be reduced or their arrival dates changed depending on company circumstances.

Libya has received a total of 3,281,052 doses from four different brands, a fraction of the original figure of 12 million doses to vaccinate the country’s population. The government has also been inefficient in providing the two required doses of the vaccine, with the number of fully vaccinated Libyans remaining pitifully low.

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