Tobruk parliament to vote Tuesday on the new Serraj government formation

جانب من المؤتمر الصحفي لإعلان الحكومة الليبية الجديدة
The President of Tobruk parliament, Aqilah Saleh said Monday that the voting was delayed to Tuesday in order to wait for the coming of Fayiz Al-Serraj to Tobruk as he was invited to come and defend his cabinet in the parliament.

In a televised statement, Aqilah Saleh said that if the new formation was proved efficient and fit, the parliament will approve it, but if not, the parliament will absolutely reject it.

“Unfortunately, Fayiz Al-Serraj did not consult us when he formed the new cabinet, yet we will see the ministers Tuesday and look into their CVs, and then we will decide.” added Saleh

He also explained that voting will be for everyone and each of the nominated ministers, and it is possible to reject any one who proves unfit for the post, and this would be all under legal procedures, he added.

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