Sabha warring tribes agree on peaceful coexistence doctrine


The two warring tribes of Sabha have reached an agreement to sign a peaceful coexistence doctrine that will put a permanent end to their bloody feud that lasted for more than 10 days last month.

Awlad Suleiman and Gaddadfah tribes signed Saturday the agreement that will see them implement a full ceasefire and withdraw from the clashes locations as a mediation authority will be responsible for them to avoid in contact between them.

They booth agreed to deal with any attack from either side as individual and not hold the whole tribe responsible, saying that the two tribes will disown anyone who commits a crime against the other tribe and will help send them to justice.

Clashes between the two tribes took place over the last 10 days in November over a monkey attack on a girl, leading to the killing of over 17 and injuring 60 in addition to the destruction and damages of properties of the residents in the clashes areas in Sabha.

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