IS terrorists: We pulled out of Benghazi after being set up by Benghazi Shura fighters

The IS terror group dubbed “Cyranica Caliphate” issued a statement Thursday afternoon saying its fighters pulled out of Benghazi Ganfudah and Sabri this morning as they had discovered that Benghazi Revolutionaries Shura Council was preparing to set them up for enemy troops.
“We thank Allah that our withdrawal went well. We vow to return and take vengeance upon the renegades of Benghazi Revolutionaries Shura Council, who wanted to sell us down the river for the enemy.” Cyranica Caliphate of IS terrorists said in the statement.

The Benghazi Revolutionaries Shura Council said Thursday morning that it had taken control of the neighbourhoods and areas that were seized by IS militants in Benghazi after they had withdrawn.
Benghazi Revolutionaries Shura Council indicated that over 70 IS terrorists withdrew from their positions in Sabri, Ganfudah and other spots, stressing that IS terrorists’ pullout from those areas was coordinated with the forces of Hafatr’s Operation Dignity, as they let them use safe corridors without air raiding their convoys.
“We don’t belong to IS, we have disavowed them long ago. We are Libyans from Benghazi and elsewhere and we’re fighting to regain our city from the forces and mercenaries of Khalifa Haftar’s Operation Dignity.” The spokesman of the Shura Council in Benghazi told local media outlets.
Local news websites said that the pulling out IS militants coordinated with Haftar forces so as the latter would allow them to head to the central region and arrive back on the outskirts of Sirte.
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